Confused by the Online Classes? Here’s a little help.
Single Pre-Recorded Video Classes
Find the class you want to take from one of the the Online Classes (Beginners, Intermediate, All/Mixed Levels etc).
Click on the Class icon (for example Beginners 0) and you’ll see a message a bit like this one…..
This content is for Unlimited Access – All Classes and Beginners 0 members only.
Click on Register and then chose the class you want to register for from the list provided. Cost is £5 for a single class or £20 for unlimited access for one month (from the day you start).
Click on Select.
If you already have an account on this website click on Log In here. If you don’t Please fill out the details below
Click on PayPal Check out.
You will be taken to PayPal to pay and then returned to the page you just left. If that doesn’t happen then just to back to Online Classes and find the class you wanted again. This time you will get acccess without having to pay again. Don’t wait! Your membership is valid for 24 hours, so if you come back tomorrow you will have to pay again.
Now you will see…
Welcome to your Single Class Membership
Beginners 0 Class
Click HERE or the image on the left for the Class
Click on the final link to watch the video
Single Live Streamed Classes
Follow the same process for the pre-recorded videos, but this time the final link will start the Zoom Software and take you to the Live Streamed Class.
If you do not have zoom installed then install it from here….
Unlimited Access
You only need to Pay once.
Click HERE
If you already have an account on this website click on Log In here. If you don’t Please fill out the details below
Click on PayPal Check out.
You will be taken to PayPal to pay and then returned to the page you just left. If that doesn’t happen then just to back to Online Classes and find the class you wanted again. This time you will get acccess without having to pay again. Your membership is valid for 1 month from the daye and time you start and in renewed each month automatically. You will never need to go to a payment screen again.
Once you have paid you will see…
Welcome to your Unlimited Access – All Classes Membership
Valid for one month (from the day you start). Renews Automatically.
Click HERE or the image on the left to go back to the Online Classes page with unlimited access
You can now get access to all the classes on the site without having to register ever again. It’s possible you’ll be logged out if you haven’t accessed the site for a while, but just Log In and then go to the Online Classes page.
Cancelling Membership
If you want to cancel your membership then Log In.and then go to Membership Cancel. You can cancel any memberships from this page.
You may need to cancel your PayPal payments as well. This article from PayPal may help you.